Buyers' Remorse Pt. II
Watch auctions can be just as exciting as they can be disappointing. Indeed, despite being emotionally invested in the pursuit of a specific lot and perhaps even bidding more than initially planned, you can always miss out. The words “I will sell it”, combined with a hammer dangling mid-air, are some of the most nerve wracking for a collector to wrestle with. There’s always that one that got away.
A taste of the watches the slipped through the fingers of our collectors.
In fact, it occurred to us that this has happened to so many, that we should do a second Buyers’ Remorse, asking a few more collectors about the watches that keep them up at night. As such, we spoke to Eric Ku, Roni Madhvani, Alessandro (otherwise known as @mr.a) and the collector known only as @doobooloo. Going once, going twice…
Eric Ku
You may know Eric Ku as one of the world’s foremost vintage Rolex dealers, having handled some of the most significant pieces in his time. However, those that know him are aware that Ku’s taste and collecting expand far beyond the world of Rolex, from independents such as Vianney Halter, to vintage Cartier. Having made a living out of buying and selling rare watches for the last few decades, we felt compelled to know which one piece he particularly regrets having let slip through his fingers.